SWIM-SERV-014 Quality of service

Last updated: JUNE 13th, 2019



Quality of service




A service description shall include statements on the quality of service offered with regards to:

  • availability of the service;
  • response time of the service; and
  • throughput of the service.


This is a key criterion in deciding to use the service.

This is key information to be included in a service level agreement and will influence the content of the SLA. It informs contract negotiations between consumers and providers.


Completeness: Verify that quality statements are included in the service description.

Consistency: Not Applicable.

Correctness: Not Applicable.


Note: The availability is typically expressed as a percentage representing the ratio between minimum target uptime versus maximum uptime. The service provider needs to describe the service outages he intends to mask/alleviate. The availability information needs to be expressed for various situations, e.g. planned and unplanned outages. The service provider needs to describe the schedule of planned outages.

Example of availability: ≥ 99.95 % of Continuous Operations.

Note: The response time expressing the delay to process a service request could include: delay in seconds, percentage of messages, message size.

Example of response time: 2s delay for 95% of messages of average size 1MB, with no compression.

Example of response time: max 3s response to complete a service request, measured from the time the service provider agent receives the request to the time the service provider transmits the response.

Note: The throughput is typically expressed as a number of service requests that the service can accommodate within the given time period.

Example of throughput: 200 service requests per minute.

Note: It is a good practice to describe the measuring conditions of the quality of service figures given.

Level of Implementation




See the Quality of Service section within the Donlon TOBT Setting Service Description.