SWIM-SERV-011 Operational needs

Last updated: JUNE 13th, 2019



Operational needs




A service description shall

  • include information about the operational needs fulfilled by the service;
  • indicate whether information exchange requirements (IER) were used in the identification of the needs for the service; and if so
  • include or refer to the information exchange requirements (IER).


Operational needs relate to the operational context in which the service is used. IERs reference the requirements that are at the origin of the service.

This requirement supports decision making in terms of service suitability within a particular operational context.


Completeness: Verify that operational needs are included; verify that the indication on whether IERs were used is included.

Consistency: If IERs were used, verify that the IERs and the source(s) are included.

Correctness: if a source is included, verify that the IERs are available in the referenced source.


Example operational need:

  • “The Flight Management service fulfils the need to retrieve information about flights and flight plans and the need to provide information about changes in flights”.

Note: When describing operational needs, it is best practice to add a reference to an operational concept document, or contextual description.

Example IERs:

  • “It shall be possible for the end user to access up-to-date network weather forecasts (up to D-10) in the specified geographical areas (regional/sub-regional/local) or airports (e.g. snow situation), with variable granularity levels depending on the time horizon. (reference REQ-07.06.01-OSED-WX01.0010; source SESAR 1 OSED 07.06.01)”;
  • “To allow the Aircraft Operator or Ground Handler to set, update or delete the value of the Target Off-Block Time of a departing flight, in accordance with the operations involving Target Off-Block Time that take place between A-CDM Milestones 2 and 11 (derived from: Airport CDM Implementation Manual v4)”.

Level of Implementation




See the Operational Needs section within the Donlon TOBT Setting Service Description.